AmigaOS3.5 (788/967)

From:Victor Ian Hayes
Date:24 May 2000 at 01:13:21
Subject:Re: HP 970 Cxi printer bug????

Hi ,

I use ADPRO with an HP500C no probs, make sure you are using the OS3.5
printer drivers and not the Boing Bag ones as they are faulty.

Subject: Re: HP 970 Cxi printer bug????

> Does anyone know why my Printer only works if i turn it on After i
> press the print button in Adpro????? (if i turn it on before or it is
> already on before i use Adpro or any other program to print from, all
> i get is : Please Check your Printer and cables.....Is this a bug in
> OS3.5 or am i doing something wrong??????



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